S.No QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. TEM can magnify an object uptp 10 lac times 2. SEM produce 3D image 3. Methylene and neutral red are Vital stains 4. Aniline sulphate, iodine solution and schultz’s solution are Temporary stains 5. Chlorine, zinc and iodine are present in Schultz’s solution 6. Stain suitable for DNA is Feulgen’s stain 7. Stain suitable for nuclei and obelia coloni is Borax caraime 8. Stain suitable forfor cellulose and cytoplasm is Borax caramine 9. Stain suitable for blood cells Leishman’s stain 10. Aniline sulphate is used for lignin 11. Iodine solution is used for Starch 12. Schultz’s solution is used for lignin, starch, cellulose and cutin 13. Hemacytometer, cryostorage container and autoclave are Tissue cultre apparatuses 14. Multlipication of explant give rise to Callus 15. Selection, sterilization, callus formation, root formation and shoot formation are main steps of Tissue culture 16. The first wall formed in developing cell is Primary wall 17. primary and secondary walls are Optically active 18. Nitrocellulose is an Explosive 19. Integral proteins are also know as Permeases 20. Glycoproteina dn glycolipid are also known as Permeases 21. Often the outer region of cytosol is more Gel like 22. Hormone corticosteroids made in adrenal cortex an sex horones testosterone, estrogen are initiated by Endoplasmic reticulum 23. Plasma membrane are 7nm wide and its structure is Dynamic 24. The soluble part of cytoplasm which forms ground substances are called Cytosol 25. Function of rough endoplasmic reticulum Protein synthesis 26. Nucleus was discovered by Robert brown in 1838 27. The attachment of two sub-units of ribosomes along mRNA is controlled by Magnesium ions 28. Secondary wall, primary wall and middle lamella Layers in plant cell from inside to outside 29. The ability of an instrument to reveal the minor details of an object is its Resolving power 30. Growth movement of pollen tube towards the egg is Chemotropism 31. Size of ribosome in prokaryotic cell is 70S 32. Size of ribosome in eukaryotic cell is 80S 33. Ribosomes Smaller unit Larger unit Total size Prokaryotic 30 S 50 S 70 S Eukaryotic 40 S 60 S 80 S 34. In paper chromatography we use Water absorbed on papers 35. For separation of compounds from mixture use a technique called Chromatography 36. The growth and reproduction of eukaryotic cell is dependent upon its Nucleus 37. Objective lens Eye piece lens Magnification x 10 x 6 x 60 x 40 x 6 x 240 x 10 x 10 x 100 X 40 x 10 x 400 38. Special protein carrier in plasma membrane Protoplastids 39. Cell wall of cells are held together by Middle lamella 40. The membrane is like sea of lipids in which proteins are floating Fluid mosaic model 41. The cisternae together with vasicles are called Golgi-complex 42. Lysosomes contain variety of enzymes called Hydrolases 43. Protein extending from in double layer of lipids completely are called Intrinsic protein 44. Wall Thickness Middle lamella 1 µ m Primary wall 1 – 3 µ m Secondary wall 5 – 10 µ m 45. Some protein are on one side of membrane called Extrinsic protein 46. Carbohydrates attached to lipids are called Glycolipid 47. Carbohydrates attached to proteins are called Glycoprotein 48. Chronological developments towards fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane 1 Gorter & Grendel 1925 Two layers of lipids molecule only 2 J f Danielle & Davon 1935 Lipid bilayer is covered with protein and protein pores 3 Roberston 1959 Unit membrane model 4 S J Singer & G L Nicholson 1972 Fluid mosaic model 49. Channels of endoplasmic reticulum are separated from one another by spherical or tubular membranes one above another called Cisternae 50. Circulation, syntheses, detoxification, mechanical support and communication ER functions 51. In cytoplasm, small ions and molecules form True solution 52. In cytoplasm, some large molecules form Colloidal solution 53. Active mass movement of cytoplasm is called Cyclosis 54. Plastids Found in Chloroplast Green parts Chromoplast Other than green parts Leucoplast Colourless parts 55. Primary lysosomes are synthesized in RER and processed in Golgi apparatus 56. Ribosomes are synthesized in Nucleolus of the nucleus 57. The two sub units are attached by Mg + + 58. The unit of Golgi apparatus Dictysomes 59. Stacks of flattened, membrane bounded sacs called Cisternae 60. Cisternae associated vesicles are called Golgi-complex 61. Storage of secretory products and packaging and modification of the secretory products Functions of Golgi apparatus 62. The food digestive enzyme of lysosome are called Hydrolases 63. Enzymes are budded off as Golgi vesicles and are called Primary lysosomes 64. Metamorphosis in animals are example of Lysosomal activity 65. In animals peroxisomes are present in Liver and kidney 66. Organisms No of flagella Mammalian spermatozoon 1 Chlamydomonas 2 Paramecium Few thousands 67. In leaves of plants, photorespiration occurs in Peroxisomes 68. Glyoxisomes (only in plants) contains glycolic acid, oxidase and Catalase 69. Conversion of fatty acids to carbohydrates are done by Glyoxisomes 70. Chloroplast Size 4-6 micrometer 71. Length and diameter of centriole 0.3-0.5 µm and 0.2 µm 72. Each centriole consist of 9 microtubules (27 tubules) 73. In cells two centrioles are present at Right angle to each other 74. Cytoskeleton Subunit Microtubules Tubulin protein Microfilament Actin protein Intermediate filaments Fibrous 75. Small knob structures on inner surface mitochondria is called Elementary / F1 particles 76. The presence of ribosomes and DNA indicate that Protein is synthesize here 77. The average number of thylakoids to form one granum is 50 or more 78. Chloroplast and mitochondria are Self-replicating organelle 79. Glyoxisomes and plastids are unique organelle found in Plants only 80. Mitochondria is absent in Mature RBCs 81. Organelle Diameter Chloroplasts 4 -6 µ m Nucleus 10 µ m Ribosomes 20 n m 82. The central bindle of microtubules in cilia is called Axoneme 83. Mitosis is missing in Prokaryotes 84. Prokaryotic Cell wall is made of Murein 85. Species No of chromosomes Species No of chromosomes Drosophila 8 Man 46 Garden pea 14 Chimpanzee 48 Onion 16 Potato 48 Frog 26 pigeon 80 86. Eukaryotic Cell wall is made of Cellulose 87. In cell one organelle are involved in function of other except endoplasmic reticulum And peroxisome 88. Glyoxisome is only found in Plant cell 89. Cell fail to detoxify the waste substances produced in it because it does not posses Enough Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum 90. Mitosis occur in nucleus with nuclear membrane intact in Fungi 91. Ascomycota reproduce asexually by means of Conidia 92. Drugs used for Obtain from Ergotamine Baby delivery Claviceps purpurea Penicillin Antibiotics Pencillium chrysogenum Cephalosporin Antibiotics Cephalosporin acremonium Griseofulvin Antibiotics Pencillium 93. Braking down of glucose to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide is done by Saccharomyces cerevisiae 94. Yeast contain 6000 genes 95. Peroxisomes are most common in Liver and kidney cells 96. Photorespiration may occur in Peroxisomes 97. Peroxisomes break down hydrogen peroxide to Hydrogen and oxygen 98. Converting of fatty acids to carbohydrates are the primary activity of Glyoxisomes 99. Cyclosis and amoeboid movements are because of Microfilaments 100. Microtubules (25nm) are made of Tubulin protein 101. Microfilaments (7nm) are made of Actin protein 102. Intermediate filaments (8-12nm) are made of Fibrous protein 103. Cilia and flagella contain 20 Microtubules 104. The bundles of microtubules comprising the axoneme are surrounded by Plasma membrane 105. Mitochondria are also called Power house of the cell 106. The shapes of mitochondria may be Vesicles, Rods or Filaments 107. The presence of ribosome and DNA in mitochondria shows that it is Self Replicating organelle 108. Small knob present in inside of mitochondrial wall is known as Elementary particles Or F1 particles 109. Two subunits of ribosomes are attached by Mg + + 110. Chlorophyll contain Mg + + 111. Haemoglobin contains Fe + + 112. Chromoplast helps in pollination and dispersal of Seeds 113. The place where spindle fibers are attached is Centromere 114. Sedberg is unit of Ultracentrifugation 115. Metamorphosis of animals is example of Lsosomal activity 116. In glycogenesis type II , the liver and muscles appear filled with Glycogen 117. Tay-Sach’s disease is involved in the catabolism of Lipids 118. Diameter of peroxisome is 5 micrometer 119. In animal, peroxisome is also known as Microbodies 120. Photorespiration may occur in Peroxisome 121. Spindle structure formation is due to Microtubules 122. Cyclosis and amoeboid movemetns are due to Microfilament 123. Cell shape is maintained by Intermediate filament 124. Centriole is present in Lower plant 125. Protein, ribosome and small circular DNA is present in Chloroplast 126. Chloroplast is Self replicating organelle 127. Nucleopores present in egg 30000 128. N Nucleopores present in erythrocytes are 3-4 129. Cel wall of bacteria is made of Murein 130. Cell of plant is made of Cellulose 131. Polysaccharide bonded with amino acid are called peptidoglycan or Murein 132. Single, circular and double stranded DNA molecule is present in the Bacteria 133. The two prominent tructue present in the nucleus are Chromosoema and cucleolus 134. The largest and more concpeicuous structure or cell organelle is the double membrane bounded Nucleus


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